Maybe this is your first time participating in YEP. You have a GREAT idea... now what? Here's a couple steps you should take to get started:

1) Tell your teacher you would like to participate in YEP! They will make sure you have plenty of support and help you keep track of the deadlines.

2) Write down your idea. Be as detailed as possible.

3) Research, research, RESEARCH! Hit the Internet and find out if anyone else has had the same idea. If they have, figure out how you're going to make your service or product BETTER and DIFFERENT.

4) Assemble a team! You may think you want to pitch alone but we promise, teams often fair better. You can have a team of up to three (3) people. 

5) Submit your idea HERE!



Here are some resource links you can watch for tips and pitching insight. Enjoy!


Video Pitch: 10 Tips and Tricks


The 7 Key Components of a Perfect Elevator Pitch


Create a Pitch Story and Video


How to Write and Elevator Pitch That Sounds Like You and Gets You the Job


Defining Your Target Audience


How to Make a Short Film on Your Smart Phone


The Best Elevator Pitch Examples, Templates and Tactics